How to add a validation check

Data validation takes place in the lib-cove-ocds library and are presented in the UI via templates in cove-ocds.

‘Common checks’ process the various different objects in a release, so the data can be validated against the schema and statistics about different aspects of the data (eg. the number of contracts, the range of dates, or number of unique organizations present) can be presented in the UI. This happens in lib/

‘Additional checks’ are for data validation beyond what is covered by validation against the OCDS Schema - that is, the results of these checks may suggest an issue with the data where the issue does not cause data to be invalid against the schema - and are implemented in lib/ An example of such a check is identifying when fields, objects and arrays exist but are empty or contain only whitespace.

What follows is an outline of how to add a check. This will involve making changes in both lib-cove-ocds and cove-ocds.

Changes to lib-cove-ocds

Make a new function for your check in lib/ The function must yield a dict for each check failure. The dict contains any information to be displayed in the template. See the empty_field function as an example.

Add the new function to the list of checks, so that it runs when run_additional_checks() is called from the top-level

CHECKS = {"all": [empty_field, my_new_function], "none": []}

Add tests for the new function in tests/ and any fixtures in tests/fixtures/additional_checks/.

Changes to cove-ocds

The templates need updating to display the results of your additional checks. It’s likely that the only file you need to modify is templates/cove_ocds/additional_checks_table.html.

Add a clause for your new check using {% if type == 'sample_check' %} (where sample_check is the type you set in the output) and then display the results how you see fit. You can integrate them into the existing additional checks table, or output them some other way if that makes more sense. Iterate through the output you set, eg:

{% for value in values|slice:":3" %}
  <li>{{ value.something_useful }}</li>
{% endfor %}

If you add new copy to the template, don’t forget the Translations.

Releasing changes

When you make changes in lib-cove-ocds that changes in cove-ocds are dependent upon, remember to update the version number of lib-cove-ocds in the same PR, and make a new release once the PR is merged. Then in your PR against cove-ocds you can also update the version of the lib-cove-ocds dependency to match your update.